The New Rate Ordinance Establishing Rates for Services Provided by the City of Horatio: RateOrdinance.pdf
You will see current announcements posted here for a time and when archived they will be added to the collection for the year in which they were posted.
Childrens Baseball Registration Form: BaseballRegistrationForm.pdf
Our Fall Festival is October 21st. We will have food vendors, crafts, “bouncy house” for kids. Free hot dogs and popcorn. Pumpkin painting,
Halloween mask painting, and all kids should wear their Holloween costume. The festival starts at 10am and goes through the afternoon.
The 2022 Annual City of Horatio Christmas parade will be held on December 3rd starting at 1:00pm. Preceding the parade the Horatio Volunteer Fire Department will be serving a chicken dinner to raise funds for its operations. Come out and support them.
As current announcements are archived they will be moved into the year in which they were posted.